Personal training is the bread and butter of this operation. No more wasted time in the gym where your thumbs work out more than anything else (we're all guilty of it). Gym membership, workout program, and meal plan are all included with personal training. These are science-based sessions led by a trainer who takes the thought out of it for you. Let's get started!

A 24/7, semi-private, training facility with no strings attached. Our members love it. Equipment is always available for your use with no one breathing down your back. As straight forward as it gets. Oh, and also, we've been told we have great music.
Come give it a try!

A message:
What's up!? My name is Johnny Pizzigoni. Welcome to Astro Gym!
I started this gym with one goal in mind: to help others achieve fitness without wasting time. My training style is one that provides accountability, but in a laid back way. We take the path of least resistance towards your goal to ensure that you get there efficiently. Clients have had fantastic results training with me. Collectively, I've seen hundreds of pounds lost, muscle added, and remarkable transformations.
Take a look around the page. From personal training, group fitness classes, and general gym membership if you want to exercise on your own time. You should be able to find something that can be of use to you!

Jason F.
From day 1 when I had my free first session, John has been someone that I can trust to understand my goals and help me achieve them. The whole environment, at Astro Gym is always one that motivates me but is also never intimidating. Definitely owe a lot of how great I finished 2018 - down more than 50lbs - to John and Astro Gym.

Rachel C.
Since the moment I met Johnny in September (2017), my life has changed. I've struggled for years to get off the weight that I gained since college. Through my sessions with Johnny (both 1:1 and boot camp classes) I have not only lost a significant amount of weight but have gained a love of working out that I have not been able to find since I competitively swam.

Stephen M.
What can I say that others already haven't?! Astro Gym is truly an amazing, life-changing place. I've been working with John since August 2018. He helped me, and my partner, lose weight and get fit (I lost over 45lbs!).